Google+ Exceeds Twitter but Still Behind Facebook

by | Jan 31, 2013 | Social Media

As we here at Get The Clicks, are on top of our Orlando SEO knowledge, recent social media news caught our attention. Results have shown that Google+ has surpassed Twitter based on the amount of active users. Google + is still behind Facebook, but it is quickly becoming more popular and is now the second most active social network.

The millions and millions of proud Andriod users is a large reason why Google+ has become so popular. A UK market research company has just updated their index, which is showing that Google+ is taking control. The details have been reported and confirmed by Forbes.

Google+ has increased their users to roughly 343 million users, which has passed Twitter. Facebook is still in the lead with nearly 700 million users. The numbers seem much lower for Google+ compared to Facebook, yet when you combine the YouTube users the numbers are much closer. Once they make all YouTube users Google+ users they’ll be closer to leading the social media world.

These results are based on active users, which can be tricky. Favcebook and Google+ use a single-tap sign. YouTube is a bit different because not nearly all the users are active. Google+ and YouTube alone compete with Twitter. When you add the two together, which will be happening, Facebook will be getting a bit worried.

With the social media world changing so fast and so often, by this time next year Google+ could easily take over Facebook users. If they market themselves right and have more to offer than Facebook, users might be inclined to switch. I do know that a lot of Facebook users are tired of the privacy policies that seem to change often.

Have you tried Google+? If so, how do you compare it to Facebook? Your SEO team at Get The Clicks Orlando, hope you found this information to be informative and helpful for your business.

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