Are Your Curious About Social Toaster?

by | Apr 1, 2013 | Social Media

Several of our fans and Orlando SEO clients have asked Get The Clicks about Social Toaster, and today we will gladly share all about this fun application that helps boost a comapany’s social media powers.

Social Toaster is basically a system in which businesses empower their fans to become ambassadors of their company via social media.

There are 6 steps to accomplish “superness”:

Install the app on your Facebook page and onto your website (they have staff who can help you if you if you’re not so technically savvy). Once Installed, Facebook fans can sign up, link their social networks and start getting all your juicy content.

Gain fans with some “motivation”. We all like to be rewarded, and what if you could reward your fans for spreading the word about your company? This is precisely where the games and the viral recruiting options available to your fans who signed up will play a big role. Every time that a fan shares your content, they receive points redeemable for prizes or exclusive content. As fans rack up points their scores are displayed on a leader board, increasing the competitive and fun vibe online.

Send out your message! Put your message in the toaster dashboard so your fans can see it. A strong call to action or engaging message is what you will need to get your fans talking.

Instant Notification. Once you publish your message all of your loyal fans who signed up will receive an e-mail notification that new content is available and prompt them to approve and share.

The Power of Social Toaster. When your fans decide to share the message it appears as if the message came from the fan!

Monitor your success. Social Toaster assigns unique URL’s to everything that is posted, enabling you the business owner to see how powerfully across social media your message spread.

Here is the catch…fees start at $379 a month and go all the way up to $999 a month. These numbers aren’t exactly the most affordable for small businesses, but can prove valuable if used wisely and made profitable.

At the end of the day, looking for ways to increase a business’s ROI is what this is all about and social media is often a place where it is hard to gauge that. Social Toaster finally makes the process of tracking ROI with social media easier.

Are you using Social Toaster? Let us know your thoughts below on our Get The Clicks comment box where you can share all of your Orlando SEO insights.

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