Orlando SEO Guide: Keyword Stuffing?

by | Aug 22, 2019 | SEO

When you’re trying to optimize your website for search engines, it can be tempting to take the easy route. You may feel like utilizing tactics that will speed up the process and help you start ranking higher on Google. However, Get The Clicks is here to tell you shortcuts and black hat tactics like keyword stuffing won’t help you as much as you think and may be harmful to your Orlando SEO strategy.

What is Keyword Stuffing?

Keyword stuffing is when a company fills or “stuffs” a webpage with the same target keyword in hopes of getting the page ranked higher for that specific keyword in search engines. Examples of keyword stuffing include:

  • Unnecessarily repeating words or phrases
  • Adding words that are out of context
  • Inserting blocks of the same keyword
  • Using keywords that are not relevant to the topic of the page

For instance, if you were trying to rank a page for “best laptop bag,” and you were using the keyword stuffing strategy, the following content would like this:

“If you’re looking for the best laptop bag, look no further. Our company offers the best laptop bag that you could want for your business or personal life. With exceptional padding in our liners and a special pocket for your Android charger, this is the best laptop bag for travel or school.”

In the example above, the content goes overboard with the use of the keyword. The keyword is used more than the suggested keyword density.

What is keyword density? Keyword density in SEO is the percentage of times a keyword is in the content.

Keyword Density = (Number of words in content)/(Number of times keyword appears in content)

To avoid keyword stuffing, it’s essential to research and strategize to optimize your content and give your pages what they need to rank above the competition. Use content strategies rather than keyword stuffing to improve your SEO strategy correctly.

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