How Increase Your Chances of Getting More Reviews

by | Jan 27, 2013 | Reputation Management

As your Orlando SEO team has said before, It is no secret that gathering reviews from your clients is a powerful and wonderful marketing tool in today’s world. While many business owners see how reviews can help boost their business and rankings, gathering them from past clients can be a bit difficult and have few actual responses.

One of the major things to note before you ask for reviews is that there should be a process in place by where after the job the service professional asks the client if they would be interested in writing a review and how they heard about the business (have them be specific).

Once that is accomplished, then you can really begin to analyze how they found you and use that to your advantage.

Below are some tips on how to increase your chances of having a review posted by a past client and ensuring your continued success.

1. Know their preferred way of communication. If they contacted you by phone and you have their phone number in your client file then call them first. People are very busy we know, but leave a voicemail, try again in a few days and have a chat with them and gain their reviews. When by phone ask if you may email them a review site link or if they prefer another method such as handwritten testimonials then provide the necessary information. Make it the method they are best able and motivated to complete, not what YOU prefer.

2. If you are sending links to review sites via email, please pay attention to the email extension. For example, if client has a gmail account, then send them the review link to the Google places review site for your business. There is no point in sending a client to a Google Review site if they do not have a gmail account!

3. DO not wait to ask for reviews. Ask for reviews right away. Do not wait more than a couple of days. The sooner the better as the excitement and emotion are still fresh in their mind. As soon as you send a follow up call or email, ask for the review. Explain to the client that it is to ensure the ongoing success of the firm and so that others can find you quicker. Make them feel like a hero.

4. Make it EASY. DO not direct your customers to a general site or phone number with a machine at the other end. Ensure there are measures in place so the client does not have added stress or time wasted. Send them directly to the review source and make it easy and efficient for them to post.

Well that is all, the four ways to increase your chances of obtaining reviews. If you have any questions for our Orlando SEO team at Get The Clicks on reviews or reputation management just give us a ring at 407-681-4100.

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