What is Schema?

by | Aug 28, 2019 | Clicks Blog, SEO

Schema or (Schema markup) is a semantic vocabulary of tags or microdata that you can add to your HTML. You can use this strategy to improve the way search engines read and represent your page in SERP’s. As voice search continues to grow, it becomes more influential in Google’s core algorithm. The need to put a webpage in context is becoming essential to improve search visibility and SEO results. Once you add schema markup to a webpage, it can create a detailed description, known as a rich snippet, that displays in search results.

Schema is especially important because it allows a search engine to interpret the context of a query and determine the quality for the search result. Schema provides context to an otherwise ambiguous webpage.

What is Schema.org Structured Data?

Schema.org is the result of a collaboration between different search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yandex. Schema.org helps you to provide the information their search engines need to comprehend your content and provide the best search results. If you add Schema markup to your HTML, it can help improve the way your page displays in SERP’s.

The entire idea of structuring your data is to communicate with search engines. If you allow Google to have a deeper understanding of your content, it gives you better results to searchers. For example, with structured reviews, Google can show recipes with the most five-star ratings at the top of their results.

Schema Structured Data

What is Schema Structured Data Used For?

Structured data can be used on numerous different kinds of items from products to events. Most of the time, structured data is used to provide additional information about the following:

  • Creative work
  • Event
  • Organization
  • People
  • Place
  • Product
  • Recipes
  • Reviews
  • Videos

Every kind of information has properties that can be used to describe items in more depth. For instance, a book, which falls under the category “creative work,” can have the properties “name: (title), “author,” “illustrator,” “isbn,” and more. It all depends on how you want to describe information.


“Schema” and “Structured Data” can be great tools for your SEO strategy. Schema is much easier to apply and is excellent when Orlando SEO agencies need to incorporate this into their website pages. The work may feel overwhelming, but with time and effort, Get The Clicks is here to tell you, the benefits are worth it in the end.

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