New Google Maps is the Top App for iPhone

by | Dec 15, 2015 | Clicks Blog

Okay, so we’ve been pushing this whole local listing thing for quite awhile now, but current events are really starting to back us up. Last night, yes actually right before midnight, Google released its Google Maps App for the iPhone. This seems to be a strange time for the launch of a product that so many of us have been waiting for. Due to the recent upgrade in software to the iPhone, which came with a change in maps software, many Apple users have been looking forward to getting back to the trusted Google Maps system.

This new app has already gone to the top of the free app list. Just think of how many Apple users are going to be using this if within half a day it has already become the most downloaded free app in the Apple App Store.

What we’re getting at here is: if your business doesn’t show up in a Google Maps search, you basically don’t exist. And on top of that, in using this app you can see all of your reviews, making your reputation even more important in the eyes of your customers, whom are most likely using Google to find you.

Mobile web search has gone up 400% since 2010. If you’re still living in the Stone Age and haven’t hopped on board the Local Search Optimization Train, you had better consider it, and fast. Your local listings are, in a lot of cases, becoming more important than your actual website.

Take a Google Maps Search on the new iPhone app for example: When you pull up a listing for a business you have all of the information you need at your fingertips. Literally. From this listing you can call the business with the press of a button, get directions, see reviews, see what the location looks like from the map street view, visit the website if you need more information, or share it with a friend. It also keeps track of your search history and the places that you have written reviews for. How can you pass up an opportunity to be this accessible to the public?

The release of the new Google Maps App for iPhone users is going to be the new place they will go to find information. A properly set-up Google Local page can, and will in fact, bring you more leads and if you don’t exist in the eyes of Google, your customers are going elsewhere.

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