When Keywords Don’t Work!

I don’t know about you but we have had ENOUGH with other Orlando SEO companies duping business owners into paying for keywords that don’t lead to conversions. The point of performing SEO on any company’s website is to drive more leads. Businesses are happy at being at...

What Makes One Orlando SEO Package More Expensive Than Another?

Orlando SEO professionals from Get The Clicks have a proud reputation for offering their clients a wide variety of site optimization options. It is unfortunate that so many site owners still do not understand the significance of search engine optimization strategies...

Orlando SEO Company Predictions for 2013

As our Orlando SEO Company staff at Get The Clicks have noticed, 2013 has already begun with a major buzz going around the SEO world on Google’s latest secret update. While we had made some predictions of what would come in 2013, we did not expect what happened so...

Link Building as Part of Your SEO Campaign

The first thing to understand is that link building is a subset of SEO. We should start by examining just what SEO actually is before going any further. When people implement SEO strategies into their company’s web promotion tactics, they are intending for their...

10 Best Link Building Practices for Businesses Using Orlando SEO

As you may have read from our previous Get The Clicks Orlando SEO blog post, link building is an important ranking factor in your website. Like most SEO there is a clear and defined set of ways to build links correctly, and there is a lot of black hat SEO methods. As...

Data as a Powerful Marketing Tool

Now that 2013 is here businesses are beginning to put their marketing plans in action and Orlando Internet Marketing Experts Get The Clicks was recently hooked on the topic of data as a marketing tool. What do we mean by data? Well, when we talk about data we don’t...