DryFast Systems Has an Open House on Thursday Everyone!

DryFast Systems Has an Open House on Thursday Everyone!

Get The Clicks will be attending the fabulous open house that Dryfast Systems has organized this Thursday March 7th. The open house will be celebrating the re-launch of Dryfast Systems and attendees will be able to tour the new facility and training center. The event...

Back Links Count

One of the most recent questions our Orlando SEO Company Get The Clicks received was about back link services. We recently met up with a disgruntled business owner who had been paying thousands a month for their SEO optimization and was not happy with the quality of...

When Keywords Don’t Work!

I don’t know about you but we have had ENOUGH with other Orlando SEO companies duping business owners into paying for keywords that don’t lead to conversions. The point of performing SEO on any company’s website is to drive more leads. Businesses are happy at being at...

Communication, Communication, Communication…

As many of you already know, I am the client liaison for your Orlando SEO firm Get The Clicks. One of the greatest things about being liaison is that we are able to communicate on any concerns, news, achievements, and feedback that you share. Just like a successful...

Google Glass Will Be Out at the End of 2013, Finally!

Get The Clicks has been brewing with excitement at our Orlando SEO office headquarters with all the latest information released from Google. A product called Google Glass had been announced last year that would change the scope of user interactivity and internet...